Spotlight Theatrical Company is made up of passionate people serving quality theatre, costumes, & youth training to the Gold Coast since 1955.

Spotlight Theatrical Company is a not-for-profit community theatre company established in 1955, located in Benowa, Gold Coast.

Spotlight has experienced incredible growth over the years, always showcasing the fanastic talents of the Gold Coast and surrounding areas, including some remarkable directors, actors, and highly skilled technical crews. Spotlight Theatrical Company also includes an award winning costume department (with costumes available for hire and purchase), and renowned youth theatre training programs; performance skills training for young people aged 18 and under.

We strive with each new season to present quality live theatre, that our community can be a part of. We would love for you to consider being part of our next sold-out production whether you see yourself as a volunteer usher, learning the skills of making props and costumes, performing in the ensemble, or as our most respected audience.

Community organization